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價錢$:1pc = $155pc x $13/pc= $65 產品纖細介紹 - 2gm - 適用於容易滲透的素材 - 由工作至家具的小面積修補,不同的木材都可使用 ..
單價$:1bt = $25 產品纖細介紹ARON ALPHA® Type 201 is a one component (requires no mixing), humidity cure, general purpose instant adhesive. Viscosity is very low and ideal for bonding plastics, rubbers and metals...
 單價$:1pd = $48產品纖細介紹ARALDITE 5分鐘快乾混合膠 - 17ml x2 - 可用於木、金屬、玻璃、陶瓷、硬質塑料及混凝土等 - 室溫下- 18-24°C,凝固快速 - 可作快速及持久的裝修與修補..
 價錢$:1pc = $812pc(1dz) x $7.5/pc= $90產品纖細介紹..
單價$:1pd = $360產品纖細介紹 Description Any attempts to remove Avery Anti-Tamper Laser Labels result in the material disintegrating and leaving behind a printed ‘STOP’ message. This makes it virtually impossible to remove and tampering look immediately obvious. Perfect for the securing and sealin..
 單價$:1pc = $180鈔票檢測機 (紫外線 驗鈔燈) ● UV紫外光防偽檢測,適合鈔票、證件及信用卡 ● 採用U型紫外光孖管,光線均勻 ● 頂部可上下轉動,調整最佳光線角度 ● 7mm空隙,方面檢查證件 ● 小巧,美觀及經濟 ● 200 x 110 x 120 mm / 0.7kg / 耗電: 9W ● 3個月自攜維修 ..
重量單價$(每支)單價$(每盒30支)8g1pc= $630pc x $5/pc= $150..
顯示由 181 至 200 於第 934 頁 ( 共 47 頁 )